La Navidad, en la tierra de donde procede "El Baúl", es tiempo de alegría, de luces, de colores y de nieve en las cumbres. Muchos jóvenes españoles han salido desde este país de montañas buscando otros horizontes donde encontrar su sitio en la vida, porque una legión de pícaros, tahures y truhanes les han arrebatado el futuro en su tierra. Pájaros emigrantes que han volado a todos los rincones del mundo y que vendrán por Navidad y regresarán luego a sus países de adopción. Como las grullas migratorias. A ellos y a todos los que les han acogido, en Alemania, en el Reino Unido, en USA, en Australia, en Brasil, en China en Nueva Zelanda y en...........y a los que nos visitan, desde tantos países, "El Baúl Radiológico" les desea muchas felicidades en esta Navidad.
(Christmas in the land where it came from "El Baúl" is a time of joy, light, colors and snow, a lot of snow. Many young spanish people have left from this country of mountains looking for new horizons where to find his place in life, because a legion of rogues, tahures and knaves have stolen their future. Migrant birds that have flown all over the world and to come for Christmas and then return to their country of adoption. As migratory cranes. To them and to all who have hosted, in Germany, the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and China ...........and the friends who visit us from so many countries around the world, "El Baúl Radiológico" wishes them much happiness this Christmas).
(Christmas in the land where it came from "El Baúl" is a time of joy, light, colors and snow, a lot of snow. Many young spanish people have left from this country of mountains looking for new horizons where to find his place in life, because a legion of rogues, tahures and knaves have stolen their future. Migrant birds that have flown all over the world and to come for Christmas and then return to their country of adoption. As migratory cranes. To them and to all who have hosted, in Germany, the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and China ...........and the friends who visit us from so many countries around the world, "El Baúl Radiológico" wishes them much happiness this Christmas).